Preschool (0-5)
- Number of Classrooms
- Number of Children
- Number of Teachers
- Number of Children per Teacher
- Number of Children per Classroom
- Number of Classrooms
- Number of Children
- Number of Teachers
- Number of Children per Teacher
- Number of Children per Classroom
- Capacity (number of beds)
- Size (m²)
- 0-5
- Other (0-12)
- Hospital
- Family Healthcare Center
- Municipal Healthcare Unit
- Public Health Center
- Public Mental Health Center
- Immigrant Health Center
- Private Diagnosis and Treatment Center
- Other Health Center
- Children's centers
- Psychological counseling
- Shelter
- Vocational training school
- Other services
- Parks
- Milk
- Cash Assistance (Money Order)
- Cash Assistance
Age and Market Value
Low- 2-97 TL/m2
Child (0-4) (5-9) Youth (10-19) Adult (20-39)
Child (0-4) (5-9) Youth (10-19) Adult (25-44)
Youth (15-19) Adult (20-29)
Adult (30-54) Elderly (55-65+)
Adult (45-54) Elderly (55-65+)
Low 100-295 TL/m2
Child (0-4) (5-9) Youth (10-19) Adult (20-39)
Child (0-4) (5-9) Youth (10-19) Adult (25-44)
Youth (15-19) Adult (20-29)
Adult (30-54) Elderly (55-65+)
Adult (45-54) Elderly (55-65+)
Middle 298-777 TL/m2
Child (0-4) (5-9) Youth (10-19) Adult (20-39)
Child (0-4) (5-9) Youth (10-19) Adult (25-44)
Youth (15-19) Adult (20-29)
Adult (30-54) Elderly (55-65+)
Adult (45-54) Elderly (55-65+)
High 842-1535 TL/m2
Child (0-4) (5-9) Youth (10-19) Adult (25-44)
Youth (15-19) Adult (20-29)
Adult (30-54) Elderly (55-65+)
Adult (45-54) Elderly (55-65+)
High+ 1594-7155 TL/m2
Child (0-4) (5-9) Youth (10-19) Adult (25-44)
Youth (15-19) Adult (20-29)
Adult (30-54) Elderly (55-65+)
Adult (45-54) Elderly (55-65+)